Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 22

Over half way through Lent, I have not gotten on Facebook!  Several people have told me that they saw me on FB, but I have not been.  I don't remember if I signed out all the way, so it could be FB "thinks" I am on there.  Oh well.  I has not been too hard, I do miss the games, and hearing how people are doing and what is going on it their lives.  But I have more time in the evening.  I have been using it work on lesson plans and stuff for school.  I should  be using it more productively for God and His mission for me!!!

I don't know where to start. I want God to be first in my life.  I believe in you, God.  I trust you. I believe that Jesus died on the cross.  I believe you have a life long plan for me.  I pray to you and I know my prayers will be answered in your time, in you way.  Where I struggle is putting you first - praying continuously - I am not sure how.
I read the Bible, but I need to study the Bible.  A lot of the time, I feel I am just giving lip service, but I don't want to do that. I want to live me life serving you, doing your work.  I want my life to be your life.  I want the blessings you have to give me.  I don't want the stuff I can buy, I want the gifts, glory and happiness you, God, can give me.  I want the love of you and your son, Jesus Christ.  I want the joy of knowing I am fulfilling the planYOU have for me, not what I have for me.  I want to bring other people to your happiness, and joy, so they can reap the rewards for living a life with God in charge.  
Lord, show me, teach me, lead me, change me!! This i pray through you son, Jesus Christ! AMEN!!

Verse to memorize:
Psalm 95:6
"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our maker."

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