Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 0

Today is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday.  It is the day before Ash Wednesday.  Ash Wednesday starts Lent in the Christian calendar.  Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter.  During these 40 days, it is customary, in some Christian religions, to sacrifice something very important.  I have decided to give up Facebook.  In the past, I have given up different things, like soft drinks, hamburgers, chocolate, cheese, television.  All of these things were hard to give up.  I think that giving up Facebook will be one of the hardest things I have ever given up.  I am hoping that I will be able to focus more on my spirituality.  Notice I didn't say religion.  God loves us no matter what religion we practice.  He wants us, as we are, broken and needy.  He wants us on our knees, arms wide open, ears listening, heart ready to hear him, and follow him, no matter where he takes us.  During this time of immediate gratification, it is easy to not hear him, easy to do our thing because we don't want to wait on him.  That is what I am hoping to do... come to him on my knees, arms wide open, ears listening, heart ready and waiting on his time.  The next 40 days I will be able to spend more time to with him because I will not feel obligated to get on Facebook and play the games, or keep up with old friends and new friends.  I may not blog every day, but I will be blogging.  I will blog what I have learned, what I hear God telling me, and anything else my heart and mind need to say.  I hope that you will follow along with my journey, and maybe, just maybe, it will add to your journey.  Please feel free to make any comments, or ask any questions!  I love feedback!!  It will help me grow too!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. It's amazing how much time is wasted on FB...I know you can do it! As long as I've known you ANYTHING you've said you were gonna do...you DID! I love that about you!Love ya! Tonya
